Crime data of Bucktown and surrounding Chicago neighborhoods (and some commentary)

Foxx Support by Precinct - Oct 2, 2017

It's good once in a while to look back and see things through the rear view mirror.  And if you've ever wondered where Kim Foxx received her support back in November of last year, here's a map of the voting tally by precinct.

Take a look at this map (above) and compare it with the current HeyJackass! Deadliest 'hoods of Chicago (below).

When you do, the unfortunate irony becomes apparent.  That's because some of Foxx's greatest support - precincts depicted in dark red - voted in excess of 90 percent in favor of Kim Foxx.  These are the very neighborhoods currently seeing some of the greatest carnage and crime in the city.

Click HERE to zoom in, and see your own precinct's results. You might be surprised (or not) how your neighbors voted for Cook County's current State's Attorney.

Other than a couple of small pockets (which voted in the high 60 percentages in favor of Foxx), most of Bucktown's precincts voted between 70 to 79% for Foxx.

We just wonder how many Chicago residents feel about their vote now and wish they could do it over.

(Source for data: Chicago Board of Elections.  "2017 Deadliest 'hoods" used by permission


  1. You bunch of idiots, you deserve it. Keep voting stupid and stupid is what you get.

  2. Stealers Wheel was thinking of Chicago:

    Clowns to the left of me,
    Jokers to the right, here I am,
    Stuck in the middle with you,

  3. Ha, ha, you voted for overwhelmingly (over 50%)in every precinct so quit your bitching. Your getting EXACTLY what you voted for.

    1. Not everybody voted for this. We are all suffering for the poor voting choices of the majority.

  4. No where to hide on the map all are guilty of voting stupidity. Now sit back and enjoy.

  5. Is anyone surprised about this? I'm sure those of us who didn't vote for Kimmy and predicted it would happen are not surprised.

    Liberals, you who voted for her and thought she would turn things around, take your blinders off. This soft approach to crime and making up for whatever Foxx feels like she needs to make up for, is a false hope. It won't improve anything - as you can see with out of control Chicago crime - right before your own eyes.

  6. Hey, at least I live in the precinct of Bucktown that had the lowest amount of support for Foxx! Our precinct can lead the movement in 2019!
